1028 Budapest, Kossuth L. u. 15-17. | Titkárság: 275-7935 | Tanári: 397-4468 | Gazdasági iroda: 275-7938

A kilencedikesek egyik angolórájukon kártyákat kaptak furcsa képekkel. Mindenkinek hét-nyolc kártya jutott. Feladatuk az volt, hogy tetszőleges sorrendbe rendezzék a képeket, és beszéljenek róluk, mintha egy furcsa álmukat mesélnék el. Egy szabad kommunikációs gyakorlat volt ez, több igeidő használatára is alkalmas. Ezután le is kellett írni furcsa álmukat. Íme, kettő ezek közül.
Kiss Péter

I was going home when the bus stopped. I looked around to see what had happened. I tried to stay calm. Then beautiful roses were falling down from the sky. It was wonderful. I was Alice in Wonderland. Unfortunately the bus went on. Finally I was at home. I was going up to my room, when I saw the same rose that I saw from the bus. It began to fly, like a butterfly. A butterfly who loves this life and who tries to make a wonderful world for everyone. The butterfly was flying away to other people, to tell her secrets...
Balog Borbála
I was in my bed, I just slept, I couldn’t wake up, I didn’t do anything, because I couldn’t do anything. I had a strange dream. I was at a beautiful and very high mountain, and I was just ‘standing’ and there was snow around me, but I didn’t cool out, but I didn’t do anything, because I couldn’t do anything. Here came an old woman, and she was carrying a big bag, and in the bag there were seeds, the old woman was tired, but I was just standing. I didn’t help her, because I couldn’t do anything. From the sky came a bird and lifted the bag and ate the woman’s seeds. The woman didn’t fight the bird, she just went away, and I didn’t help her because I couldn’t do anything. When the bird went away, a wolf came and attacked the woman. And the woman was fighting the wolf but I didn’t save her because I couldn’t do anything. I saw the door that could save the old woman but the door was locked and I didn’t open the door because I couldn’t do anything. In the last minute of the dream, I could see the woman’s face and her face was my face. I wanted to see it again but I couldn’t do anything. I woke up. My heart was knocking very quickly. I wanted to go back to see what happened later, but I know: I can’t do everything, I can’t help everyone, I can’t move mountains, but I can do my homework. So I did my homework, because I could do that.
Purebl Sámuel



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